Help, Aide

Help to understand the word groups in Greek, under each French translation (examples: N-GFS, V-ASA-1S, V-PPA-GMS, ...).

Groups (and example)

V - Verb (to liberate)
N - Noun (freedom)
Adv - Adverb (freely)
Adj - Adjective (free)
Art - Article (the)
DPro - Demonstrative pronoun (this, that)
IPro - Interrogative / Indefinite Pronoun (who?)
PPro - Personal / Possessive Pronoun (I, my, mine)
RecPro - Reciprocal Pronoun (one another)
RelPro - Relative Pronoun (who, which, whose)
RefPro - Reflexive pronoun (to himself)
Prep - Preposition (to, from, on, in)
Conj - Conjunction (but, or, and, as, since, if, when)
I - Interjection (go!)

Case of nouns (N-)

N - Nominative (subject, subject attribute)
V - Vocative
A - Accusative (what)
G - Genitive (of, noun complement, belonging, part of a whole)
D - Dative (by, comp. of means and attribution)


M - Male
F - Female
N - Neutral


S - Singular
P - Plural

Verbs (V-)

Be careful, there are more tenses, modes and voices than in English.


P - Present tense (takes)
I - Imperfect tense (when ..was taking...)
F - Future tense (will take)
A - Aorist (composite past comp, has taken)
R - Perfect tense (present consequence because of a past event)
L - More than perfect (had taken...)


I - Indicative
P - Participle (adj verb)
M - Imperative
S - Subjunctive
O - Optative
N - Infinitive


A - Active
M - Medium
P - Passive
M/P - Medium/Pass


1 - 1st
2 - 2nd
3 - 3rd


S - Singular
P - Plural

Adj. comparison

C - Comparative
S - Superlative